Saturday, 28 March 2020

The Full Circle

The Full Circle

I would have been just 6 when the first London Marathon runners snaked their way through the streets of London in 1981, finishing in the Mall.  I remember being inspired by these runners to play a game where I just ran laps of the garden round and round until, I dropped, enjoying the early evening sunshine.  Another marathon inspired game I played, was imagining that I was running alongside the car on long car journeys, all the way to our holiday destination.  That was a quite a run from Hertfordshire to Cornwall!  I eventually ran the London Marathon in 1998 and wow what confidence booster it was.  I say I ran it, I’ve never been a fast runner, but I got around and that’s what counts.  I still miss that running club to this day.
Number 2 woke up coughing on Monday the 9th March 2020.  It was nothing particularly serious but in the lite of the recommendations at the time, I rang the school and informed them I was keeping her off for the then recommended 7 days.  And that was the start of our isolation.  Hubby had been up and out early to catch a train.  He was walking part of the South West Coastal Path that week, having just finished his latest contract.  He came home early in the end.  The wind, rain and rather increasing seriousness of the situation rather took the shine out of his adventure and he missed us.  I was glad to see him come home, throwing shopping bags, the car keys and a list at him before he set foot in the house.  He came back with most of the food on the list and a pack of Carona beer, apparently all that was left on the shelf.  He’s not fussy!
So, this week I was back to running laps around the garden.  My Garmin watch has given up the ghost and Map my run couldn’t cope with the fact that I was only moving such small distances, so I am back to being that 6 year old running laps around the garden until I drop, unaware of the time and enjoying the sunshine.  We have an evil stepped hill in garden, so this is not as easy as it sounds, but I am eternally grateful that we have such a lovely long garden which backs out onto the local woods.  After my run I sat and watched two Robins feeding from
Like the rest of the country, the rest of the world, my plans are up in the air due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  I am heading back to children’s nursing on the bank, which was always a vague plan but my hand has been rather forced by recent events. My Coast2Coast adventure looks likely to be pushed back to next year.  One of the hostels I have booked has already cancelled my stay.  Some of my bookings don’t have free cancellation.  Boring.  Thankfully I had only started booking week one.
It’s looking possible that I will end up deferring the Art degree I am due to start in September.  So, it seems that too lifelong ambitions I thought would be realised this year will have to wait.  Life throws us curve balls sometimes, but I’m thankful that I have made the steps to making those dreams come true.  Having the goal post moved is frustrating, but you know I’m pleased I have a goal posts to keep me motivated.  I won’t be giving on my dreams.  They are merely postponed.  For now, though I’m not sure who needs more home schooling in the maths department, me or the girls.  Drug calculation revision for me!

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