Sunday, 19 April 2020

There’s Something Slightly Awry

Something is Slightly Awry!

You know something is slightly awry with the world when your milk deliveries start arriving at midnight, with loud music playing and bottles chinking like the drivers are off to attend a raucous party.  I’ve had my milk delivered for about 15 years and it seems the rest of the city has also decided it’s a good idea, hence the van has turned into a roving all night party bus, delivering milk practically the day before it’s due.  Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, all hail the milky!  It just seems ironic that since our good ol’ reliable milkman retired a few years ago, the milk has often either failed to turn up at all, or pitched up late only to be found congealed on the doorstep when we get home later that day.  Our old milkman; I’ll call him Bob, used to deliver on time whatever the weather, week in week out.  He was a legend.  And I’m sure he used to have one of those proper milk vans, you know, the electric ones.  Quiet, and environmentally friendly!  I’m liking the new found efficacy of our milk delivery team, let’s hope it doesn’t decline once we’re are out of lockdown.  They can carry on parting if they wish.   

The other reason I know that there’s something not quite right with the world is that the car has stayed clean since I vacuumed it a couple of weeks ago.  With only me driving it once a week to get groceries, there is a distinct lack of the kids’ rubbish strewn all over the foot wells, no rapidly moulding fruit discarded in a nook in the car seat on the way to swimming. Nor are there any drink bottles sneakily spilling their contents on the carpet.

The most ominous sign is that there are PCSOs patrolling the woods at the bottom of our garden, moving on groups of people gathering for their for picnic lunches over a sunny weekend.  I’ve never seen the woods so busy… 
I have had so much time to ponder life the universe and everything in it, that I have gone below naval gazing and started to wonder what would happen if I tried to straighten my pubes.  Actually, I’ve secretly wondered that for a long time, it’s only now I’ve come dangerously close trying it, shying away only because I’m not sure how I’d explain my scorched nether regions to the E&D staff.  It’s a little like the feeling you get when you know you shouldn’t touch fire but you really want to play with the melting wax on the candle.

I’m missing meeting up with my friends and family in person, Zoom meetings are just not the same, especially when it cuts you off abruptly after 40 minutes.  I’m looking forward to meeting new friends when this is all over too. By new friends I mean Frit and Fredi, my co Adventure Queen 2019 Grant winners.  All off us with Adventure plans thrown off course by this pandemic, feeling slightly deflated and questioning the worth of our dream and struggling to keep the magic and excitement of winning such a great competition alive.  I think that sums up the way world feels for most of us now.  
But us three are so lucky!  Emma Frampton has managed to organise not only the £500 grant and three pairs of shoes of our choice from Merrell, she has now organised for us to receive a back pack of our choice from Osprey too!  So, I think I had better get on and plan my trip for next year.  After all the accommodation in the lake district is likely to book out fast for 2021 assuming that this is all over by then.  With my new back pack and shoes, I will be able to make like Bob and complete my Coast2Coast Solo challenge whatever the weather. 

My Wonder Woman legging finally arrived too, after a little internet ordering glitch where I ended up with a pair of Super Girl leggings which are far too short in the body!  I went out for my lock down run in said leggings, only to find that my midriff was rather more on display than I would’ve like, as my top rode up and my trousers travelled down.  Note to self, get out and run around the garden a bit more and stop comfort eating chocolate during these weird times. But for a £7 from dubious website I’m grateful that I received anything at all!  I have ordered a couple of things from dubious websites lately.  The sort of websites I would normally steer clear of due to their claims seeming too good to be true.  Not sure why I should suddenly momentarily succumb to their lure.  Some strange lock down psychology at play. I’ll let you know if I’ve been suckered or not if my orders fail to turn up.  But am looking forward to wearing the Wonder Woman ensemble on the trek, I’ve just got to make sure I don’t wear it out before next year. Perhaps I’ll have a new inspiration by then anyway, Wonder Woman will be so last year!

This coming week sees me back to the children’s hospital, completing induction and mandatory training.  Right now, I think that is adventure enough for me, one which has already taught me never to say never.  Hello again NHS, be gentle with me.

I bet the milk delivery arrives after I’ve left in the morning…

There’s Something Slightly Awry

Something is Slightly Awry! You know something is slightly awry with the world when your milk deliveries start arriving at midn...